
Booking is a web application that simulates a booking website for hotels, has a client-side and admin dashboard

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Booking is a web application that simulates a booking website for hotels


  1. you must have a glassfish server, preferably glassfish v5.0.
  2. you must have mysql server running on your machine.
  3. you have to set up a configuration file in the following path src/main/java/com/hagz_hotels/hotels_booking/Model/DAO/ with the same name
  4. should have the following variables as public static
    1. url, MySql connection url, check this link to setup java mysql connection
    2. user, Mysql user
    3. password, Mysql password for the user to connect to database.
    4. StmpEmail, Stmp email to send system emails, we use gmail.
    5. StmpPassword, Stmp email password.

      Main functionalities

      client Functionalities

      • User registration
        • User must provide Email and username.
        • User must check reCaptcha to avoid spam.
        • using Ajax to validate Email and username.
        • If Email and Username provided passes verification, an Email is sent to the Email provided with random generated password to Login with.
        • Admins only can register new Admins.
      • login
        • User provide Email and password.
        • using Ajax to validate Email and Password provided passes verification.
        • if User is authenticated, application redirect them to their Home page.
      • search for hotels
      • book a hotel room
      • Add Hotel review
      • Edit his profile

        Admin Functionalities

      • Register new Admins
      • Add new Hotels to website
      • Check clients’ reviews for hotels
      • Update Hotels’ data


using 3 layers architecture

  1. Presentation Layer
    1. has all User interaction logic, handling the first layer of interaction and responses
    2. handling JSON responses and Html responses
    3. using an exposed interface from Business layer to authenticate and authorize users
    4. catching exceptions from lower layers and use a factory class to act with user interactions providing certain messages in case of certain Exceptions
  2. Business Layer.
    • Has backend validation on input data
    • Interact with Model layer - Database -
    • throws exceptions in case of failure.
    • has DTOs to provide for presentation layer to expose certain parts of our Model
  3. Model Layer.
    • has DAO to interact with database
    • has Entity classes

Built With

  1. Java servlets
  2. Maven
  3. Map box API


  4. ahmeddrawy
  5. MostafaOmar98